The elevations show the building face from every side. It helps me show the exterior scale, proportion, materials and features. read more →
Tutor10-Design Plans
The design plan is the refined floor plan. It includes spaces, walls, doors, windows, cabinets, electrical fixtures. It helps us organize everything in your project. read more →
Tutor09-Scheme Models
The scheme models show potential 3D design solutions that address your functional needs and aesthetic preferences. It includes all major spaces, but may not address all secondary spaces (small closets, storage areas, outdoor entertainment). read more →
Tutor02-Space List
The space list is a wish list. You list every interior and exterior space for every activity you want in your project to help me understand what’s in your project. read more →
Tutor00-Dzine Expedition
Dzine (dee-zīn’) — The a-ha factor in architectural design. It’s the spontaneous moment when inspiration and idea reveal the immaculate solution, but it might be luck. read more →