Bluebonnet Bunk ‘n Biscuit

Bluebonnet Bunk ‘n Biscuit

This place is literally going to the dogs! The owner operates a fabulous pet park and hotel — the Bluebonnet Bunk’n Biscuit is a clever little day spa for pet owners and their pets to stay, rest and romp. We created a natural pet and landscape oasis with canopy, turf and water hidden amid an industrial sector. It’s a people and pet paradise!


Selma, Texas


par 4 wildflower dogleg

Personalized commercial exterior!


59,640 SF; Ponds, Dunes, Planting beds, Trees, Groundcover, Walking Track

Client’s Style:

native, natural texas landscape


The Sketch, The Details, The Docs

Lifestyle Features:
  • pet park landscape
  • benches and covered seating for people
  • mounds and valleys for pets to play
  • separate play areas for social and anti-social animals
  • separate play areas for big and small animals
  • doggy dock
  • trash kiosks and pet showers
  • welcome area to invite members and create a reflection area for on-site cafe patrons
Environment Solutions:
  • native landscape to promote growth and reduce maintenance
  • aerobic irrigation to recycle graywater
  • water catchment to fill aerated pond, reduce runoff and give pets a pool
  • pervious paving paths to allow water infiltration
  • compost construction waste to reduce haul-off and create nutrient-rich planting soil
  • reuse demolished material to create landscape mounds to reduce waste haul-off
  • retain natural areas and promote native wildflower environment
Community Influence
  • natural and artificial aesthetic screening materials to create a protected habitat for patrons and visual privacy for neighbors
  • fabric covers in purple, yellow, red to emulate wildflowers in bloom
  • natural and raw low maintenance landscape to improve industrial area aesthetic and conserve water resources