Tutor17-Project Specs
The project specs are a description of the product quality, quantity and practices you and your contractor use to build your project. read more →
Tutor16-Project Manual
The project manual is one part of the construction documents (The Docs). It is a pamphlet that includes architecturally-unique construction details and perspective views. These details show your contractor how to construct components unique to your project. read more →
Tutor15-Project Plans
The project plans are one part of the construction documents (The Docs). The plans are D-size sheets (24″x36″) that show the builder how to build your home. read more →
Tutor14-Project Audit
The project audit is an online and screen shot review to tour the entire home. I send 3D screen shots and host an online meeting to walk through the 3D design so you can see everything. read more →
The sections are a technical drawing that is cut through the home to show structural, architectural and space for mechanical, plumbing and electrical sections. read more →
The finish schedule is a color, texture, material list. We record this information in a table for each space to simplify selection and help the contractor refine the bid. read more →
The elevations show the building face from every side. It helps me show the exterior scale, proportion, materials and features. read more →
Tutor10-Design Plans
The design plan is the refined floor plan. It includes spaces, walls, doors, windows, cabinets, electrical fixtures. It helps us organize everything in your project. read more →